Wednesday, June 3, 2009

HiHi....My First Post~lol

Lol....this is my first post...well, my first post...i would like to introduce bout this blog name is known as (F)reeze (E)xtreme (A)bide (R) that is why it came out with F.E.A.R ~ haha...hmmm...this blog got lotz of owner..haha...cause it is own by us..dat is me,winny jie, daren kor, theng kor, cheesezcake di n lotz more...but...only us will be posting
Actually dis blog is like our family de blog^^ got ahpa, ahma, jie jie, kor kor, mei mei n also didi...
i'm mei mei..(proud) lol...
About dis blog, i think i can only share things that related to music..haha...maybe if u wanna noe about wat's the latest albums, latest songs, nice songs, nice lyrics, meaningful lyrics,any news bout any celebrities, their roadshow and many more...i think u can find me..i'll list down for u..haha..k ba...i'll share bout things in the coming^^

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